LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center Training

The LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center provides a variety of workshops and trainings that can be customized to meet the needs of your particular group or department. If our existing workshops don't quite meet your needs, we can work with you to build a unique training on one of several topics that our training team specializes in. Browse our workshops and custom training topics below. When you're ready to request a training, start by telling us a bit about your group and what you're looking for by emailing our office at loborespect@unm.edu.

Who would benefit from these workshops? 

We welcome all UNM students to benefit from our educational offerings. Examples of groups we work with include classes, departmental student employees, graduate assistants, student leaders, student organization members, athletic teams, Greek Life organizations, and any other student populations who could benefit from prevention and advocacy education! 



Finding the Line: Clear Boundaries. Healthy Relationships.

Our 1-hour workshop on healthy relationships aims to raise awareness about the frequency of intimate partner and relationship violence, while emphasizing skill-building. Attendees are given the opportunity to practice recognizing healthy, unhealthy, and abusive behaviors, to learn more about what healthy and unhealthy boundaries look like, and to identify strategies for supporting a friend who may be in an unhealthy partnership.


All In Training Logo

All-In: Action in Our Community 

This 1-hour workshop was developed in order to increase active bystander tendencies among peers. This interactive, fast-paced module can be fitted for general use or tailored to fit scenarios specific to your student population. Attendees will consider common barriers to bystander intervention, helpful bystander strategies, as well as resources available at UNM.


Lobos Intervene

 Lobos Intervene

This 45-minute workshop that was developed as a follow up bystander intervention workshop. This interactive, role-play-based module can be fitted for general use or tailored to fit scenarios specific to your student population. Attendees will identify various moments and modes for intervening in a variety of circumstances that could otherwise have negative consequences.



Can I Talk To You Training Logo

“Can I talk to you?”: Holding Tough Conversations

In this 1-hour workshop, we discuss major touchstones of skillful listening including how to ask open-ended questions, how to affirm strengths, and how to employ reflection. Attendees are given the opportunity to practice these skills as well as learning how and when to pass the conversation to a professional staff person.

Custom Training

If you are interested in education on a topic not covered by one of our workshops, or in a different format, our team can work with you to customize a unique training for your group/department on one of the following topics. Please note: we are unable to accommodate requests for custom training with less than 2 weeks notice. 

  • Healthy Relationships
  • Consent
  • Active Bystandership
  • Sexual Misconduct Prevention at UNM
  • LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center Overview



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